Threescore and More By: Alan Weiss


Applying the Assets of Maturity, Wisdom, and Experience for Personal and Professional Success


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Threescore and More By: Alan Weiss

Just because you’re over 50 doesn’t mean you’re “finished.”

We live in a biased culture where those once revered for age and wisdom are no longer regarded as useful, but only as in the way.

Where people are forced to "retire," though not required by competence or ability.

Where they are no longer honored or respected.

Where they are forced into enclosed communities as if not relevant in the general population.

Where the young are waiting for "their turn," as if involved in a zero-sum game where everyone can't be successful together.

But you can change the status quo and this old, irrelevant thinking.


You are more powerful now than ever.

Aging allows you to be on top of your game. You have the benefit of decades of experience, wisdom, and maturity. You can take these gifts and apply them for greater success in your personal and professional life. Immediately. Continually.

Alan Weiss PhD

Threescore and More isn’t just a book. It’s a life-changing experience. Applying the principles inside will energize and rejuvenate you. It will give you hope that you can consistently create the life you want. You’ll learn that aging doesn’t weaken you, it gives you power—and that power increases as you continue to age. Life can be abundant. Life can be fulfilling. And it can increase in contribution and enrichment every year.

Written by best-selling and globally renowned author Alan Weiss, Threescore and More will enable you to discover how to use the gifts that can only come with age for a more fulfilling life.

  • Stop dealing with change, and learn how to create change in your life
  • Enhance your mental well-being and self-esteem
  • Build a community and support system that sustains
  • Feel more peaceful by understanding your degree of control and influence
  • Stop searching for meaning and create meaning

You have exceptional worth.

Threescore and More will help you design the life you want as you mature.

When you purchase your copy of Threescore and More, prior to April 9, 2018, you’ll also receive:

One book:

Free teleconference participation on April 12, 2018 at 11AM covering the book's messages.

Two to five books:

A livestream session with Alan, including real-time Q&A.

Six to ten books:

A 45-minute personal coaching call by phone, Skype, or Zoom.

Eleven to twenty-five books:

A free, half-day program in Boston on May 8, 2018 discussing the book and its implications for you.

Sorry, you missed the bonus deadline, but you’re never too late to learn from the book.

Buy it from the following stores:

  • Routledge
  • Amazon
  • Barnes & Noble